Our Pre-Service Teacher Scholarship Fund
The Radical Pedagogy Institute is committed to providing access to our community for pre-service teachers throughout the greater New Jersey area (including NYC). To provide that access to as many pre-service teachers as possible, our partner organization, Teach About Women, has helped us to create a Pre-Service Teacher Scholarship Fund. We hope to provide at least 10 PST Scholarships per year, but that number will be contingent upon the generous donations of our community members and other outside individuals. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today to support our pre-service teachers.
What Exactly Does Your Donation Support?
For every $200 we receive, we are able to provide one Membership + Summer Collaborative scholarship to a pre-service teacher. Each scholarship provides the pre-service teacher with free access to all resources in our searchable database, free attendance to all of our professional development offerings (both our monthly Cross-Cutting Offerings and our Spotlight Offerings), free access for one year to all past professional development recordings in our PD Video Library, free access to the book club we offer every semester, and free access to all other community meet-ups and learning opportunities we provide throughout the year. The Membership + Summer Collaborative scholarship for pre-service teachers also allows us to offer these pre-service teacher free participation in our annual Summer Collaborative, which is a series of 6-8 workshops featuring leaders in the field of education who are currently enacting radical pedagogy in their teaching, and/or research. The Summer Collaborative is usually focused on some theme of social justice and radical pedagogy relevant to contemporary discussions in education. The theme of the 2023 Summer Collaborative is “Teaching Is Political: Advocating and Organizing for Social Change.”
In addition to providing each pre-service teacher with free access to all of the above Radical Pedagogy Institute membership benefits, every $200 donated allows us to pay each of the facilitators of our monthly PDs for their labor. At Radical Pedagogy Institute we value the work of enacting radical pedagogy and the political organizing that our facilitators are doing in their classrooms and community. We believe valuing our facilitators’ work requires compensating them for their work/contributions to our community.
Isn’t This the Sort of Training Pre-Service Teachers Should Receive In Their Teacher Education Coursework?
While all pre-service teachers are required to take a single diversity course in their teacher professional development, one course is not enough to prepare them to engage in meaningful radical pedagogy. Access to the Radical Pedagogy Institute community allows pre-service teachers to receive more targeted (and ongoing) training in radical pedagogies that will help them better serve every BIPOC, queer, disabled, undocumented, and multilingual student in their current and future classroom.
How Do I Make A Donation?
To make a donation please visit this page, or click on the widget shown below.