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Self-Evident Education – 20% Discount!

Self-Evident Education creates multimedia curriculum materials to support educators to teach authentically on the challenging and essential histories of race in America.

Self-Evident Education’s Vision

If we do not know and understand the history of race in the United States, we cannot fully understand American history and who we are as a country. Self-Evident Education envisions a world where all young people understand and honestly assess the ways that race and racism have been intentionally constructed. Through this education they will be able to accurately analyze the present, and create a future where racism can be intentionally dismantled.

Institute members receive a 20% discount at checkout. Sign up today to receive the code!


Member Outings and Socials

At Radical Pedagogy Institute we strive to build a community in which people feel connected and supported. To foster these connections, we regularly schedule group social activities in which members can get together to share the amazing work they are doing, learn together, and socialize.


T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center in Red Bank

Join us on a private tour of the National Historic Landmark, the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center! Located in Red Bank, NJ, the Center is a former home of T. Thomas Fortune:

Fortune’s tenure at The New York Age for over 20 years established him as the leading African American journalist of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Under his editorial direction, the paper became the nation’s most influential black paper, and was used to protest discrimination, lynching, mob violence, and disenfranchisement.

T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center

Join with us in celebration of the 42nd Annual Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Powwow, Sat-Sun, June 10-11 at the Salem County Fairgrounds, 735 Harding Hwy, Woodstown, NJ 08098.

the Institute logo - a white square with a black outline. Inside the square is the mathematical radicand symbol, w/4 resistance forearms/fists, all of varying shades of skin color & heights, breaking through the top of the radicand. Forearm on the far left has a wristband w/the Philly pride flag colors (black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) & the 2nd to last 1 on the right has a wristband w/the trans flag colors (baby blue, light pink, white, light pink, baby blue)

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